Hurt, Pain, Sacrifice & Gratitude- Moments to Ponder, during Easter.
Weaving through the tapestry of Life during Holy Weekend the lead up to it are great annual moments to ponder over and introspect. Amazing revelations unfold and if the umbilical link is there with your Coaches & Mentors for a discourse, then it is even more impactful.
Little did I realize at the age 14,leaving the comforts of a home in Malaysia and thrown into the wilderness to scramble and climb the rungs of the ladder of Life, there is a “Sine Curve journey’ of peaks and troughs waiting.
In each of those times of being thrown into the swimming pool, (as my 7th coach Gerry would say) there will always be a tsunami breakthrough — a light bulb moment when you climb out of the pool.
Yes, for me, there have been great moments of achievements, joy, happiness and just as many moments of sadness and pain — the journey.
Little did I realize at 14, I would have had the privilege and opportunity to have worked with hundreds of thousands of people over 3 decades… and seen some of their success and failure journey.
Out of that, you see a trend of those that have scaled the heights of “their”Success and others are still struggling. These two groups of people have identical traits but different in their approach leading to miles apart outcomes.
This raises a myriad of questions…
Why do good things happen to good people?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why do bad things happen to bad people?
Why does the world have so much pain?
The endless list of why’s
The most painful, is to watch people with huge potential, being swayed by the wind — in search for a short cut to their success. Their impatience gets the better of them and unfortunately some take the unscrupulous route with their impetuous hope of making it big in a short time span without putting in the required effort.
Success is inevitably only with the right ingredients. There is no shortcut to a shortcut success.
Even more painful, is to watch the many that bite on the hand that provides them their milk as feed, for the day. The person with the bitten hand would ask why? The answer is simple. Leave them with enough rope to hang, as the universe laws will always balance the ledger weather it is this generation, the next or thereafter.
Unfortunately for some, years could flow by, before they realize they had taken the wrong turn on their road to success and are still a wondering minstrel in search of success — happiness? Probably the solution could have been for them to have gone in search for help from others or a coach.
Grateful, that I was in a good position to have had the support and guidance of a coach from an early stage. Totally grateful to all 14 Coaches that helped me get to where I am today. I would not know which road I would have taken if it was not for them. Thank You from the bottom of my heart to those Coaches.
For me, it has never been a question of faith, instead one of choice, and how best to execute it. “Destiny is a matter of Choice, not Chance”.
There are some things that I had just known just naturally, it comes from within — Internalized. These were automatically triggered as I journey through my day, with my faith. A life of its own, with absolute certainty, and clarity for the outcome that I had mapped out.
Religion to me is man made, but I strongly adhere to its values, baseline, codes its teachings. Whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Jain, or whatever religiously following, they all have similar values, as reflected in the Koran, Gita, Tripitaka, and the Bible. I was brought up as a Christian, hence follow its values — My faith is Crystal clear with identical values that are reflected across in other religions.
Each one of us have the choice and nobody has the right to judge someone else’s belief.
Just like some celebrate Ramazan, Judaism, Passover and many other religious beliefs, Christians celebrate Easter — the Resurrection on last Sunday, we celebrate in worship, in party and in family, the overcoming of “death”.
Imagine that, not fearing death and instead choosing eternity. What a breakthrough?
This is different for everyone, and as I stood among hundreds celebrating victory, I remembered the words of the rapper Maclemore:
“Whatever God you believe in.
We all come from the same one.”
Hmmm, is it not startling to see what Man-made silos have created — the religion that many out their practice, imbibe the following Values: -
#Do unto others what you would like others do unto you
#Your word is sacrosanct
# There is an endless list of flow on values
These religious fundamentals have evolved over time, 40 + billion years. Not developed over night.
If you are a believer of the Abbah, Allah, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Jehovah, Universe or any other, to abide by the base value is what distinguishes you from the rest of Animal Kingdom — you have beliefs, you have values and you believe in God,
Always remember when you break past that VALUE, tearing it apart by not sticking to your words, the whole fabric of what you build crumbles. You do not have to go far, just turn the pages of history and reflect. It’s unfortunate that scar of illicit behavior will not ever disappear. It is like a nail being hammered into a fence post …. even if you pull that nail off the post, that hole will be their Ad Infinitum.
Whatever hurt, damage you had done to another it will be there, can’t be erased?
Many having experienced,greater trails & tribulations, this Easter more than any other, the suffering & pain of millions from various parts of the globe. A world that has gone crazy, we need as much, ️ as we can give, we receive, not excusing the wrong doer instead bring them to the fore otherwise that toxicity will spread like wildfire.
I wish you celebrations of joy and love, knowing that we have been created to be powerful beyond belief and assured that there is something greater for us all, leaving behind a legacy of goodness that others will benefit, without scrambling over them but in love.
I pray you find a way to tap into your potential and Master it in every way.
A Blessed Easter to you and your family ️
God Bless
David Nair